Hi All,
The ‘Extensions for Windows Intune’ feature provides frequent, dynamic feature updates to System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager without any on-premises infrastructure update. New extensions like email profile provisioning make it very easy for end users to connect to corporate email from their mobile devices while at the same time, it ensures that administrators can protect corporate data by having the ability to selectively wipe email from lost or stolen mobile devices.
Now my colleague MVP Nico Sienaert (http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=19113864&locale=en_US&trk=tyah&trkInfo=tas%3Anico%20%2Cidx%3A1-1-1) and some other MVP’s including myself had issues around the provisioning of email profiles. Sometimes they never showed up on an iPad.
Nico did some investigation with the product team back in Redmond and found some interesting details , that can potentially block an email profile being delivered to the device
Problem description: Mail Profile not being provisioned through on iOS devices such as Ipad
Problem solution: They discovered that my mail property in AD was empty. Apparently this is required for email profiles. Once filled in that field in AD and made sure this was value was populated in the CM DB (User Discovery) the profile arrived almost immediately.
Anyway, lessons learned make sure you have ALWAYS a mail property filled in on your AD User. Currently this is not documented yet but it will be in the future.
When to need the AD mail attribute? :
- IF you are using UPN for email addresses, then no AD attribute is needed. For Office 365, we already know the UPN and mail address, so not needed.
- IF you are using SMTP, then you do need the mail attribute in AD.
Hope that Helps ,
Kenny Buntinx
Enterprise Client Management MVP